September 16, 2021 Update
We will begin meeting in person again on Sunday, September 19 for Bible Class at 9:30 am and worship at 10:30 am.
- The Auditorium will be mask optional, social distancing, using hand sanitizer.
- The Chapel will be masks required, social distancing, and hand sanitizer.
Sunday at 5 pm there will be singing and bring your own supper in the FB.
Wednesday night classes will resume at 6:30 pm.
Beginning the 2nd and 4th Sunday nights at 5 pm in the FB we will have a Study Session called “Digging Deeper”, on the topic Doyle preached on that Sunday morning.
If you have any questions, please see or contact an elder.
September 1, 2021 Update
A message from our shepherds
These continue to be trying times and we face situations that we never envisioned. The current surge in COVID is affecting every aspect of our society.
Our healthcare system continues to be stressed beyond its resources. Those in education face challenges as well as others.
We have been fortunate at Hartsville Pike to not have an outbreak to this point. However, we are having more members testing positive.
Due to an increase in COVID cases in our community and congregation, we will be suspending all activities at the building until Sept 19. We will have an online Bible class on Wednesdays at 6:30 and Sunday morning at 9:30 followed by our worship service at 10:30 and then another Bible study Sunday afternoon at 5. Communion packets will be available outside the office door.
This is not a decision we take lightly. We all want to meet in person but feel this is in the best interest of all concerned at this time. Though not meeting in person the work of the church continues as we all have daily responsibilities in fulfilling our commitment as Christians. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if we may assist you in any way.